Currently under development
Moving to the gtk-2 widget set.
Don't expect anything soon. I don't find this an interesting task. One widget
set is much like another, such a conversion is a lot of work and doesn't
involve any functional improvement. (Indeed I am currently ignoring this
because gdk is less capable of dealing with images than my own drawing
system -- at least in the ways that matter to me, and I don't want to rewrite
all my image code)
A command that will allow you to (but this has been listed here for a couple
of years so don't expect anything much)
Make a character/font bolder
Extend or Condense a character/font
Change the X-Height of a font
Regularize stem widths
multiple baseline support
Vertical metrics in embedded ttf bitmaps
Better import of xfig files (a real X-Spline -> Bézier spline
Mechanism for creating fonts with multiple instances of the same character,
each slightly different, coupled with a postscript routine which will for
each character in a string, pick a random version of that character to display.
An attempt to yield a slight non-uniformity to the font which may make its
output look more interesting.
A better way of aligning things. (need some form of grouping that is actually
Last updated: 12-Feb-2004